News You Can Use

April is Autism Awareness Month!


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurological developmental disability. ASD affects the brain’s ability to properly identify and express various behaviors such as social communication, interaction, restricted or repetitive behaviors, anxiety etc.


We at Life Cycle Teas are bringing attention to this neurological developmental disability, which is rapidly increasing in the United States. Our focus is to provide herbal/nutrient specific guidance as an aid, in combating this life altering disease.


Many healthcare professionals have attempted conventional medicine to “remedy” the presence of ASD, though they have largely failed to effectively manage Autism. Many studies have shown that the failure in “curing” autism via pharmaceuticals, may be due to the complexity of the condition; autism is still widely debated and is the subject of much controversy.   


Many children with ASD have an impaired gastrointestinal health and a compromised immune system. Considering the gastrointestinal tract is responsible in the digestion of food and absorption of nutrients, it is imperative that special attention to gut health is maintained.


Eliminating simple sugars such as white sugar, glucose, sucrose etc. can aid in cognitive function and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria which often contain chemicals that act as internal toxins. Adding Vitamin A & C  has also shown to improve social skills, eye contact as well as sleep in children with Autism.


**Please consult with your doctor or nutritionist in determining a safe and effective dose of Vitamin A before administering; high levels can be toxic.

  • Tea Of The Month

    Burdock Root has been traditionally known as a diuretic to aid digestion in North Asia, Europe and North America. The roots contain a variety of antioxidants and inulin, a prebiotic fiber known to aid with skin disorders, inflammation and improving gut health. Burdock Root contains a large quantity of vitamins which include Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Zinc and Magnesium. The roots of the burdock plant are believed to be the most beneficial part of the plant. This immune-boosting, detoxifying powerful herb is scientifically known as an aphrodisiac and has been used as food and medicine for centuries. 

  • When the world is at odds

    And the mind is at sea

    Then cease the useless tedium

    And brew a cup of tea


    There is a magic in its fragrance

    There is solace in it’s taste

    And the laden moments
    vanish, somehow into space.


    The world becomes a lovely thing

    there’s a beauty as you’ll see

    All because you briefly
    stopped to.... Brew a cup of tea!!